Legal deposit

Showing 1 - 7 of 7 results
Photo of rows of shelves filled with colourful books above a blue rectangle with white text reading 'Five Years' on the right and the National edeposit (NED) logo on the right
Five years of National edeposit service (NED)

We're celebrating five years of the National edeposit service (NED).

News article
Large wall of bookshelves with hundreds of colourful books
How to make a legal deposit

The Library only needs one copy of a publication and we prefer electronic.

Library services
Rows of shelves filled with colourful books and doorways lined down the middle
Legal deposit

We collect Australia's stories. Ensure your story is preserved for future generations through legal deposit.

Information article
Library services
Metal shelves full of bound volumes in many different colours

A collection storage area at the National Library of Australia

Legal deposit questions and answers

Answers to frequently-asked questions about legal deposit

Information article
Library services
Long shelves of books and other print material with regular orange signs

Rows of shelves containing books, papers, and other items

Legal deposit: Contact us

Contact form for legal deposit enquiries

Library services
A person standing in front of a bookshelf, holding a magnifying glass up to the shelf. They are also holding an ipad with a website showing on it.
Notice to publisher of online material

This notice is published in support of automated requests made by web harvesting software.

Library services
Rows of very tall, large bookshelves (stacks) in a warehouse

The National Library of Australia’s Hume storage repository.

The history of legal deposit: Sixteenth century France to the Library today

Learn about the evolution of legal deposit and how it works in Australia today.
