NLA Publishing

We create books that tell stories by and about Australians. Our titles draw on the Library's extensive collections to share Australia's culture and history.

In the spotlight

Illustrated flowers and beetle details from the front cover of the book 'Flora: Australia's Most Curious Plants'.

Cover detail from Flora: Australia's Most Curious Plants.

Uncover the wonders of Australia’s plants with Tania McCartney’s latest book ‘Flora’

Get ready to go on a captivating journey through Australia's botanical wonders with Flora: Australia’s Most Curious Plants by Tania McCartney.

Media release
Abstract graphic illustration detail from the the front cover of the book 'Telling Lives'.

Detail from the Telling Lives book cover.

NLA Publishing to release anthology on the craft of biography and life-writing

Telling Lives is a captivating anthology of these lectures, featuring contributions from 17 renowned authors.

Media release
Townsend of the Ranges book on the left and author Peter Crowley on the right
Book launch: Townsend of the Ranges by Peter Crowley
08 Oct - 08 Oct 2024

Join Peter Crowley in conversation with ABC National Affairs Correspondent Melissa Clarke as they discuss Crowley's debut book, Townsend of the Ranges.

Books and authors
Author talk
Book launch
Man in military uniform with hat smiling

Harry Peters, soldier in the Third Employment Company, c. 1942

Dear Mutzi: Writing a life through letters, memories and imagination

Read about how author Tess Scholfield-Peters explored her grandfather's early life as a teenager fleeing Nazi Germany in her new book 'Dear Mutzi'.


Featured books

Cover of book 'Flora: Australia's Most Curious Plants'
Flora: Australia's Most Curious Plants

When it comes to flora, Australia is a land of diversity. From rainforests to deserts, mountains to the seashore, 90 per cent of our plant life is unique to this ancient land.

Cover of the book 'Townsend of the Ranges'
Townsend of the Ranges

Surveyor Thomas Scott Townsend (1812–1869) is an elusive, almost legendary figure, closer to folklore than to history. His name is given to the country’s second highest mountain, but the details of his career are obscure and his personal identity has remained a mystery.

Cover of the book 'If Everyone Cared Enough'
If Everyone Cared Enough

Margaret Lilardia Tucker MBE was a significant Aboriginal activist and one of the first Aboriginal women to publish for mainstream audiences.

Cover of the book 'The Bird Art of William T. Cooper'
The Bird Art of William T. Cooper

William T. Cooper is considered a master painter of birds. He painted them for many books, mainly bird monographs.


Browse and buy award-winning non-fiction and children’s titles in the fields of history, art, photography, the environment and literature. Shop our titles now


We are currently accepting new submissions for consideration, and are open to submissions from diverse authors. Review  submission guidelines for submitting your proposal to ensure we’re the right fit for your book.

NLA Publishing events


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All children's books published by the NLA are accompanied by comprehensive teachers' notes that draw out topics and themes in the books in ways that align with the Australian Curriculum across all relevant year levels.

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