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Stack of books on a round wooden table in front of colourful stained glass windows. The books are various sizes and colours
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Five images overlaid by text saying 'Community Heritage Grants 2024 - Celebrating 30 years'

5 images, clockwise from top left: Mrs Fisher and Mrs Vaughan with a Red Cross float entered in the ‘Back to Brim’ parade, Easter 1983, image courtesy of the Australian Red Cross Society (Heritage Archives); Port Phillip Farmers Society Medallion awarded for Ploughing, 1859, image courtesy of Melbourne Royal; C.A. Nobelius Catalogue of Fruit Trees 1910, image courtesy of Emerald and District Museum; Members of the Bondi Surf Bathers’ Life Saving Club in training with a surf reel, 1939, image courtesy of the Bondi Surf Bathers’ Life Saving Club; Walka Board Minyma Kutjara copyright Francine Kulitja 2020 (from the Maruku Arts Collection).

Community Heritage Grants

Helping to preserve our cultural heritage

Information article

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