
Showing 1 - 11 of 11 results
A person holds a tablet displaying an illustration of a bird on Trove. The background shows the Library's soft seating and wooden furniture.
Bring our collections online

By donating to digitise our physical collections, you can help make the treasures of the National Library freely available to everyone, all the time.

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Close-up of a person's hands carefully turning the pages of an old, handwritten journal.
Donate to us

Your support helps us preserve the stories of Australia and its people and share them with the world.

Close-up of a person's hands carefully turning the pages of an old, handwritten journal.

Make a financial donation, offer us collection material or join our community of members and volunteers.

A National Library of Australia archival cart with labeled special collections boxes, placed in a reading room beside wooden tables and yellow seating.
Improve access to our collections

Help make the National Union of Australian University Students and Australian Union of Students collections accessible to more people.

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Woman's hand pointing at something on a map on a table with various manuscript material
Leave a gift in your will

Create a legacy and join the Hazel de Berg circle by making a bequest to the Library.

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Rupert Myer AO, wearing a grey suit with a pink shirt and patterned tie, speaks at a podium with a microphone. He is smiling warmly and wearing glasses, addressing an audience against a backdrop of dark curtains.

Rubert Myer AO 2024

Library as sanctuary, librarian as saviour

Find out about President of the Myer Foundation, Rupert Myer AO, keynote speech at the Library’s 2024 Patron Dinner.

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Two people standing next to each other, smiling. One has shoulder-length dark brown hair and wears glasses and a dark blue dress with a bow detail at the neckline. The other has short dark hair, also wearing glasses, and a black jacket with a floral pattern on the lapel, along with a name tag.

Catherine Law (Opalgate Foundation) and Alice Wong (NLA council) at the 2024 NLA Patron dinner

New online programs for lifelong learning

With the Opalgate Foundation’s support, we are creating a new lifelong learning space on our website.

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A person wearing white gloves examining a colorful peacock embroidery with a magnifying glass, focusing on the intricate details of the artwork.
Offer us collection material

The Library welcomes all offers of collection material.

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A stylized sketch of a regal figure in profile, draped in layered, flowing garments of deep browns, reds, and oranges. The figure wears a structured headpiece, with dark hair tied up. A textured, abstract background in blue and white contrasts with the rich colours of the clothing. The figure stands poised and dignified, gazing slightly downward.

Kristian Fredrikson, Costume and Set Sketches – Oedipus Rex (detail), 1964,

Our performing arts collection dazzles on Trove

Thanks to a remarkable gift of $1 million from the Susan and Isaac Wakil Foundation, the Library is digitising performing arts material from our incredible collection.

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Two women standing behind a trolley with books on it in the Library stacks.

2022 Asia Study Grants recipients Ms Younghye Whitney and Dr Mei-Fen Kuo.

Support a fellowship or scholarship

With your support, a new generation of thinkers can use our collections to create important and transformative works.

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People standing holding colourful corflutes/posters from the 2013 election

Corflutes donated from the 2013 election, with NLA staff members

Thank you for bringing Australian democracy to life

We are grateful to our donors who generously gave over $320,000 to help make our election ephemera collection available to the world on Trove. Your support will allow us to share the vivid story of our Australian democracy.

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