Leave a gift in your will

Create a legacy and join the Hazel de Berg circle by making a bequest to the Library.

Thank you for considering the National Library as a beneficiary in your will.

Every gift entrusted to the Library is transformational.

The Library has launched a new bequest program, The Hazel de Berg Circle, to recognise and thank those who have included a gift in their will to the National Library of Australia.

Read about how bequests have supported the Library and find out more about The Hazel de Berg Circle.

To help us to meet your wishes, we would welcome the opportunity to discuss your potential gift with you or your adviser.

For more information about leaving a gift to the Library in your will, please contact the Acting Assistant Director of Philanthropy, Marcus Hughes, on 02 6262 1640 or mhughes@nla.gov.au for a confidential discussion.

Thank you for supporting your National Library.

Learn more about leaving a gift in your will

We would love to speak with you

Thank you for supporting your National Library.

Should you wish to discuss any aspect of your support for the Library, please contact us:

Dr Conor McCarthy
Director of Philanthropy
National Library of Australia
02 6262 1098

Celia Rideaux
Assistant Director of Philanthropy
National Library of Australia
02 6262 1640

Philanthropy team
National Library of Australia
02 6262 1336

Page published: 06 May 2024

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