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Showing 61 - 72 of 185 results
Photo of rows of shelves filled with colourful books above a blue rectangle with white text reading 'Five Years' on the right and the National edeposit (NED) logo on the right
Five years of National edeposit service (NED)
16 Aug 2024

We're celebrating five years of the National edeposit service (NED).

Sappho Hildegard von Bingen Aphra Behn rare books
Great female writers of centuries past: Sappho to Aphra Behn
15 Dec 2023

Sappho, Hildegard von Bingen and Aphra Behn: an ancient Greek poet; a medieval abbess, composer and writer; and a Restoration playwright and spy. What do they have in common?

Image of the title page and portrait frontispiece of NLA RB CLI 2050 with portrait frontispiece an image of a woman in profile with a prominent 18th-century wig.

Mrs M. Robinson, Poems, volume 1, London: Printed by J. Bell, British-Library, Strand, 1791, Clifford Collection (Overseas Rare Books), RB CLI 2050,

Great female writers of the eighteenth century: Trailblazers and radicals
29 Feb 2024

Dive into the works of great female writers held in the Library's rare books collection.

People watch lion dances in Chinatown Plaza in Adelaide

Jiayuan Liang, Chung Yee Tong Lion Dance Team performing lion dances, Chinese New Year, Chinatown, Adelaide, 2022,

Growing Chinese Australian representation in the collection
21 Feb 2024

Explore some of the recent additions to the collection representing the contribution of Australians with Chinese heritage.

Microphone on a stand pointed towards a woman wearing red speaking and gesturing with her hands
Growing the Library’s oral history collection
23 Jul 2024

The Library congratulates long-time contributor to the Library’s oral history projects Barry York for completing his 500th interview.

interior stacks oral history fellowship Alice Garner 2023
Have you heard about Mavis Robertson?
13 Mar 2024

There is no denying that Mavis Robertson lived a fascinating life. In fact, according to Dr Alice Garner, ‘her experiences in the Communist Party, the peace movement, early women’s liberation, documentary making and later in the development of industry and compulsory superannuation, offered a very interesting pathway into understanding some significant moments in Australian history’.

Simple model of three rectangular, connected buildings with columns and flat rooves.
Here is the news: National Library of Australia building 55th birthday
14 Aug 2023

On 15 August 1968, Prime Minister John Gorton officially opened the National Library of Australia; the first major construction along the shores of the four-year-old Lake Burley Griffin.

Man with brown hair and a grey and brown beard sitting at a table with a large map spread over it
Historical trauma, hidden Christianity and world heritage
25 Mar 2024

Hear from NLA Fellow Dr Gwyn McClelland about his research and time at the Library.

Fijian Drua vs ACT Brumbies Super Rugby Pacific match, GIO Stadium Canberra, Bruce, Australian Capital Territory, 26 February 2022

Claire Williams, Fijian Drua rugby union team warming up before the Fijian Drua vs ACT Brumbies Super Rugby Pacific match, GIO Stadium Canberra, Bruce, Australian Capital Territory, 26 February 2022, nla.obj-3042304111

Hitting a home run: Study tips from 'The Nash’
12 Sep 2023

Inspired by sports-related exhibition, Grit & Gold: Tales from a Sporting Nation, we’ve compiled a list of study tips with a sporting twist to help you in the educational arena. Now let’s kick some goals!

The National Library of Australia building at dusk, lit up with colourful projections.
Home: Enlighten 2024 at the National Library
01 Mar 2024

Our Enlighten 2024 illuminations use the Library’s remarkable and ever-growing pictures collection to represent diverse connections to place and Country.

Family of three sitting in the crowded stands of a sports stadium while various events take place on the track and field. The parents seem to be enjoying a warm beverage while looking at their baby who lies in a stroller.

Family having a picnic in the stands, with a baby in one basket, and picnic paraphernalia in the other, Olympic Games, Melbourne, 28 November 1956, nla.obj-148938429

How to watch sports: a lesson from the 1956 Olympics
25 Sep 2023

Browse photographs from the 1956 Melbourne Olympics to learn the top tips for how to watch a sports game.

Two people bending over a desk and looking at a book.

National Library of Australia staff looking at an album of paintings of Indian native costume on mica.

Indian Diaspora in Australia Collecting Project
04 Mar 2024

The National Library of Australia is calling on Australians with Indian heritage to add their story and experiences to the national collection.

Media release

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