Asian collections

The National Library's Asian language collections focus on contemporary Asia from the 19th century onwards.

Systematic collecting began in the 1950s and covers a range of subjects, such as history, politics, current affairs, society and culture. Books, journals, government publications, magazines and newspapers are supplemented by full-text article databases, e-books, maps, archived websites and ephemeral materials.

The collections are strongest for the countries of East and Southeast Asia, and there are rich holdings of English language materials on Asia.


Explore our Asian collections by viewing the highlights below:

Learn more about our Asian collections

Shelves containing books and journals and a picture of a man in a boat looking at birds that sit on the sides of the boat
History of the Asian collections

The National Library houses the largest and most actively developing research resource on Asia in Australia, with holdings of over half a million volumes.

Information article
Sepia photograph of a monastery with people stanidng on the balconies

Adam Whyte, King Theebaw's monastery, Fort Mandalay,

Burmese collection

The Burmese collections at the National Library of Australia consist of thousands of books, journals and microfilm holdings in Burmese language and Burma/Myanmar-related materials.

Collection guide
Page published: 01 Sep 2023

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