
Showing 1 - 12 of 17 results
Protester holding a placard that reads, Our Future is in Your Hands

Leigh Henningham, Protester holding a placard that reads, Our Future is in Your Hands, during the School Strike 4 Climate rally, Melbourne, 21 May 2021,

Protest and dissent research guide

Use this guide to help find and access resources about the movements that have shaped social and cultural change in Australia.

Research guide
1904 camera

Harold Cazneaux's first camera, 1904,

Harold Cazneaux (1878–1953) was perhaps Australia's best-known photographer of the early twentieth century. He purchased this camera in 1904, shortly after moving from Adelaide to Sydney, and made photographs of Sydney's streets and waterways.

In 1909 he became the first Australian photographer to exhibit his works in a solo show.

Cazneaux was a master of the pictorialist style of photography, using soft focus to capture scenes that were - and remain - familiar to many Australians in a new light. He was able to find a timeless, extraordinary beauty in the everyday.

Cazneaux collection

A large collection of glass negatives, papers and photographs dating mostly from 1904 to 1940 depicting many aspects of Australian life and architecture

Collection guide
A large, old text with Chinese characters is bound with traditional thread stitching, sitting on a shelf, supported by a white fabric strap wrapped around its cover. The edges of the pages are uneven, showing wear with the stitching slightly frayed. Other colourful books with Chinese characters are lined up alongside it on the shelf.
Chinese collections research guide

Get help to find and access material from the Library’s Chinese collection and beyond.

Research guide
Collection guide
De Vesci Collection

Country house library collection of 1648 books and 54 serials with strength in English and French publications of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries

Collection guide
Rare Dictionaries

Jacques Lacombe (1724–1811), Dizionario Portatile Delle Belle Arti (Portable Dictionary of the Fine Arts), Venice: Bassano, 1768, Onions Collection, 

Rare dictionaries at the Library

Today, we can find the meaning of a word online. In the past, we only had physical dictionaries. (I had a 1980 reprint of The Australian Pocket Oxford Dictionary (1976), covered in royal blue contact paper.)

Image of the title page and portrait frontispiece of NLA RB CLI 2050 with portrait frontispiece an image of a woman in profile with a prominent 18th-century wig.

Mrs M. Robinson, Poems, volume 1, London: Printed by J. Bell, British-Library, Strand, 1791, Clifford Collection (Overseas Rare Books), RB CLI 2050,

Great female writers of the eighteenth century: Trailblazers and radicals

Dive into the works of great female writers held in the Library's rare books collection.

Japanese portrait of a women reading

Bijin Shinobazunoike o nozomu, Beauty looking at Shinobazu Pond (1895),

Asian collections

The National Library's Asian language collections focus on contemporary Asia from the 19th century onwards.

Information article
Title page of the Margarita Philosophica 1517

Title page of the Margarita Philosophica (1517)

Reisch’s Margarita Philosophica (1517)

The Margarita Philosophica (Pearl of Philosophy) (1517) of German Carthusian monk and prior Gregor Reisch (c. 1467-1525).

Old book open to page reading 'As You Like It: A comedy'

Nicholas Rowe (editor), The Works of Mr. William Shakespear, 6 volumes, volume 2, London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1709–1710, David Nichol Smith Collection,

Shakespeare in the Library’s rare books collections

Celebrate William Shakespeare's birthday with Shakespearean gems from the National Library's rare books collections.

Rare Books Swimming - Roger Lever

Frontispiece and title page of Melchisédech Thévenot, The Art of Swimming. The second edition. London: Printed for John Lever, 1764,

Rare book highlights – Swimming in 1764

This blog, by the Library’s Rare Books and Music Curator Dr Susannah Helman, explores this charming little book, just in time for the last days of summer. It may even be helpful the next time you take the plunge!

The Birds of Australia Gould - Printed plate
Conserving John Gould’s Australian Bird Pattern Plates

While the National Library of Australia is the custodian of millions of books, among its treasures are items that show how books were made.


Sepia photograph of a monastery with people stanidng on the balconies

Adam Whyte, King Theebaw's monastery, Fort Mandalay,

Burmese collection

The Burmese collections at the National Library of Australia consist of thousands of books, journals and microfilm holdings in Burmese language and Burma/Myanmar-related materials.

Collection guide

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