Corporate strategies

4 photos: A woman lifts hay with cattle behind her; A military medal sits on top of old sepia photographs; An open book with glasses on it surrounded by handwritten notes; A black and white photo of 5 men, two are shaking hands and one is smiling at the camera

Cover images (clockwise from top left): Louise Whelan, Susan Ainge and her Daughter Feeding the Cattle on their Property, Coonamble, New South Wales, 6 July 2011,; Papers of Bessie Rischbeith, 1900-1969,; Mervyn Bishop, Charles Perkins Shaking Hands with Members of the National Aboriginal Congress, Canberra, 1978,; Anna Zhu, Diaries, 2008,

Collecting strategy

The Collecting Strategy outlines the Library's priorities for collecting and identifying the areas for sustained focus over the next four years.

Corporate document
Page published: 18 Sep 2024

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