Kenneth Myer lecture

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Kenneth Myer Lecture 2023
2023 Kenneth Myer Lecture: Melbourne

Professor Glyn Davis AC. Professor Davis delivered a lecture tracing the rise of large philanthropic foundations in Australia, pioneered by the Myer family, and ask about their role in helping – and challenging – government to work more effectively in communities which live with disadvantage.

Kenneth Myer Lecture Professor Glyn Davis AC
2023 Kenneth Myer Lecture: Professor Glyn Davis AC

In 2023, the Kenneth Myer Lecture was delivered by Professor Glyn Davis AC.

A woman stands behind a lecturn giving a lecture

Emeritus Professor Judith Brett delivering the 2019 Seymour Biography Lecture

Flagship lectures

Our flagship lectures are made possible by the generous support of our donors.

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The words 'Kenneth Myer Lecture' overlaid on a crowd of people with
Kenneth Myer Lecture

The Kenneth Myer Lecture invites an eminent Australian to make a significant statement on a broad subject of interest to them.

Information article