
Showing 1 - 3 of 3 results
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Book launch: What Birdo is That? A Field Guide to Bird People

Professor Libby Robin launched her latest book What Birdo is That? A Field Guide to Bird People, a book that draws heavily on the National Library's collections.

A painting of five crane birds standing on a grassy surface with mountains in the background.

William T. Cooper, 'Cranes (Mixed Flock, Brolgas and Sarus)', 2012, courtesy of a private collection.

Let your imagination take flight with new NLA Publishing title

Twitchers rejoice as a new book showcasing the sketches and paintings of master bird painter William T. Cooper is set for release by NLA Publishing.

Media release
Cover of the book 'The Bird Art of William T. Cooper'
The Bird Art of William T. Cooper

William T. Cooper is considered a master painter of birds. He painted them for many books, mainly bird monographs.

NLA Publishing book