Protest and dissent

Showing 1 - 5 of 5 results
Special collections reading room Sam Wallman 2023 creative arts fellow
The Pink Bans: Labour union activism and LGBTIQA+ rights

Have you heard about the Pink Bans of the 1970s? Learn about this little-recorded aspect of Australian history with comics-journalist, cartoonist and 2023 Friends Creative Arts Fellow Sam Wallman.

A crowd of people on a stage holding placards.

Sabine Friedrich, Performance of Worth Fighting For at 2024 National Folk Festival

Something Worth Fighting For: Aussie protest songs with John Shortis

John Shortis presented his 2024 National Folk Fellowship research into Australian protest songs.

Protester holding a placard that reads, Our Future is in Your Hands

Leigh Henningham, Protester holding a placard that reads, Our Future is in Your Hands, during the School Strike 4 Climate rally, Melbourne, 21 May 2021,

Protest and dissent research guide

Use this guide to help find and access resources about the movements that have shaped social and cultural change in Australia.

Research guide
Protester holding a placard that reads, Our Future is in Your Hands

Leigh Henningham, Protester holding a placard that reads, Our Future is in Your Hands, during the School Strike 4 Climate rally, Melbourne, 21 May 2021,

Environmental protests

Use this guide to help find and access resources in our collection about Australia's climate action protests, anti-mining protests and the Franklin Dam blockade. 

Research guide
A black and white image of a group of mean demonstrating. The man front and centre is holding a microphone to his mouth, while the man to the right is holding a megaphone speaker up in the air. There are placards and flags in the air in the background.

William Yang, Dennis Altman and Craig Johnston, Gay Demonstration, Macquarie Street, Sydney, 1981, nla.obj-136863821

A new oral history interview with Dennis Altman

In 2022, Australian writer, academic and gay rights campaigner Dennis Altman was interviewed by Robert Reynolds for the National Library's Oral History collection.

News article

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