Prominent First Australians

Showing 1 - 4 of 4 results
Protester holding a placard that reads, Our Future is in Your Hands

Leigh Henningham, Protester holding a placard that reads, Our Future is in Your Hands, during the School Strike 4 Climate rally, Melbourne, 21 May 2021,

Protest and dissent research guide

Use this guide to help find and access resources about the movements that have shaped social and cultural change in Australia.

Research guide
Four framed pictures hanging on a wall that has an image of an island on it.
Mabo v Queensland (No. 2): 30th Anniversary

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Mabo decision, the Library invited Gail Mabo, Eddie’s daughter, to select material for display to mark this landmark moment in Australian legal history.

Collection guide
Mabo Collection

Personal papers and legal material that record of one of the most important and controversial legal cases in Australian history and the life of the man who is chiefly associated with the case.

Collection guide
Cover of the book 'If Everyone Cared Enough'
If Everyone Cared Enough

Margaret Lilardia Tucker MBE was a significant Aboriginal activist and one of the first Aboriginal women to publish for mainstream audiences.

NLA Publishing book

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