World War 1

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Sepia toned photo of soldiers sitting in a trench writing letters

J.P. Campbell, Writing in the trenches, [Anzac soldiers sit in their shelters in the trench and write letters home, June? 1915], nla.obj-146168464

Letters to home from the First and Second World Wars

Take a look at some of the letters sent from overseas to friends and family back in Australia during the First and Second World Wars.

A black-and-white photograph shows a group of soldiers marching down a street with rifles over their shoulders. They are accompanied by civilians, who walk arm-in-arm with the soldiers, smiling and engaging with the crowd. The street is busy with people, and buildings can be seen in the background.

Fairfax Corporation, Departing troops walking with their families down Macquarie Street, 1914,

Find your military ancestors

This guide provides resources from the Library and beyond to help you trace the military history of your ancestors, including records from Australia, New Zealand and the British Army.

Research guide

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