
Showing 1 - 2 of 2 results
Two men standing and leaning against a small passenger plane in front of an aircraft hangar

Horrie Miller (right) and Jim Woods standing with MacRobertson Miller Aviation Lockheed DL-1A Vega Special passenger aircraft VH-UVK in front of hangar at Maylands Aerodrome, Perth, c.1938, nla.obj-148194215

Aviation families in our collection

Explore some of the prominent aviation families in the collection

Black and white photo of 21 women of various ages smiling, standing in front of a plane. Below the image is a list of these women's names and where they're from

[Black-and-white group photograph from the first Annual General Meeting of the Australian Women Pilots Association with list of attendees], 1951, nla.obj-3116965008

Pioneering Australian women pilots

Dive into the records of the Australian Women Pilots’ Association and some of the stories they tell about early Australian female pilots.


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