Architecture and design

Showing 1 - 4 of 4 results
Collection guide
Wilson Collection

Drawings, sketches, plans and photographs of Australian colonial architecture, pencil drawings of ancient buildings from China and Greece, drawings and sketches for a proposed "ideal city" of Kurrajong, drawings and sketches of furniture designs, personal papers.

Collection guide
The front of the National Library building showing fountains and steps
Our building

The National Library operates from 4 buildings: 3 in Canberra and one in Jakarta, Indonesia. These buildings house our collection of approximately 10 million items.

Information article
Frank Hurley - House and Gardens

Frank Hurley (1885-1962) [House and gardens, Australia]  [between 1910 and 1962], nla.obj-159237448

How to trace the history of your house

The resources available for each house may be different, due to the fact the availability, organisation, and location of records vary from state to state.

Learning activity for adults
Lintel Sculpture above the National Library's main entrance doors

Loui Seselja, Bas relief over the entrance doors of the National Library of Australia, Canberra, 2004, nla.obj-131049918

Artwork in the foyer, exterior and grounds

The National Library has a large collection of sculptures built into and around the building, and beautiful tapestries hanging in our foyer.

Information article

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