
Showing 1 - 5 of 5 results
Five photographs of people smiling. Three of the photographs are of women and two are of men.
Hopes and Fears: Australian Migration Stories panel discussion
01 Oct - 01 Oct 2024 | 6:00pm - 8:00pm

Join a panel of special guests for a conversation about their own personal and professional stories around migration, and how our country can best recognise the extraordinary contribution that migrants make to contemporary Australia.

Talks and ideas
A fire burning on sand with a night sky behind it
Deadly Dialogues: Karlie Noon and Celeste Carnegie
02 Oct - 02 Oct 2024 | 6:00pm - 7:00pm

Join astrophysicist and author Karlie Noon in conversation with Celeste Carnegie as they discuss the astronomic heritage of Noon's Kamilaroi Peoples and her journey as an ambassador for youth and astronomy.

First Australians
Deadly dialogues
Talks and ideas
A large book sitting propped open on a red piece of material. The left hand page shows text that reads '1. Exhibit me' and the right hand page shows a stamped black ink image.

Paul Uhlmann, Finsternis [detail], 1991, Photograph courtesy of Dr Caren Florance.

Strange pages: Investigating artists' books with Dr Caren Florance
24 Oct - 24 Oct 2024 | 5:30pm - 6:30pm

Join Dr Caren Florance as she presents a lecture on her 2024 National Library Fellowship research into artists' books (books made by artists as art).

Talks and ideas
Fellowship talk
The front pages of two different Turkish language newspapers.

Left: Kaynak : the Australian Turkish source : independent Turkish newspaper, 15 February 1984, page 1, Right: Kimligimiz icin dusunce, August 1989, page 1,

Turkish-Australian transnational life writing with Dr Burcu Cevik-Compiegne
31 Oct - 31 Oct 2024 | 12:30pm - 1:30pm

Join Dr Burcu Cevik-Compiegne as she presents a lecture on her 2024 National Library Fellowship research into uncovering different forms of life writing produced in Australia following the Labour Migration Scheme between Turkey and Australia in 1967.

Talks and ideas
Fellowship talk
A French map with red written notation in French.
The unpublished Fleurieu chart with Patrick Llewellyn
26 Nov - 26 Nov 2024 | 6:00pm - 7:00pm

Join Patrick Llewellyn as he discusses the unpublished Fleurieu chart and why dozens of French names dot Australia's coastline.

Talks and ideas

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