Past events

Showing 49 - 60 of 113 results
Larry Brandy Aboriginal Storytelling
Aboriginal story telling with Larry Brandy
08 Mar - 08 Mar 2024 | 6:00pm - 7:00pm

As part of our Enlighten Festival program, Wiradjuri man Larry Brandy invited children to become kangaroos, emus or hunters while learning about traditional Aboriginal culture.

Books and authors
For kids and families
Past event
courageous kids Stephanie Owen Reeder
Live reading of Courageous Kids with author Stephanie Owen Reeder
02 Mar - 02 Mar 2024 | 6:00pm - 7:00pm

As part of our Enlighten Festival program, local children's author Stephanie Owen Reeder presented a live reading from her latest book, Courageous Kids and Their Amazing Adventures.

Books and authors
For kids and families
Past event
Kathy Weeden Phonobet Whats On
Live reading of Phonobet with author Kathy Weeden
01 Mar - 01 Mar 2024 | 6:00pm - 7:00pm

As part of our Enlighten Festival program, join local children's author Kathy Weeden for a live reading of her picture book Phonobet.

Books and authors
For kids and families
Past event
Eleanor Witcombe portrait

Eleanor Witcombe portrait, 1950, NLA MS 7739, Box 32,

Eleanor Witcombe: Her brilliant career with Dr Eleanor Hogan
29 Feb - 29 Feb 2024 | 12:30pm - 1:30pm

Dr Eleanor Hogan presented a lecture on her 2023 National Library Fellowship research into the brilliant career of award-winning dramatist and scriptwriter Eleanor Witcombe.

Past event
Talks and ideas
Fellowship talk
Kenneth Myer Lecture 2023
2023 Kenneth Myer Lecture: Melbourne
22 Feb - 22 Feb 2024 | 6:00pm - 8:00pm

Professor Glyn Davis AC. Professor Davis delivered a lecture tracing the rise of large philanthropic foundations in Australia, pioneered by the Myer family, and ask about their role in helping – and challenging – government to work more effectively in communities which live with disadvantage.

Past event
Talks and ideas
Flagship lecture
Feb with Friends event
Tales from Trove: Discovering Australia's lost literary history
16 Feb - 16 Feb 2024 | 6:00pm - 7:00pm

The National Library of Australia's digitisation of historical newspapers, and To Be Continued: The Australian Newspaper Fiction Database, have opened the pages of Australia’s literary past in new and surprising ways.

Friends of the Library event
Past event
Talks and ideas
Welcome parade for Olympic team from Republic of China (Taiwan) Melbourne 1956.

Welcome parade for the Olympic team from the Republic of China (Taiwan) in Melbourne, 1956, courtesy Bruce Lew's family album.

Chinese diaspora in Cold War Australia with Dr Mei-fen Kuo
15 Feb - 15 Feb 2024 | 12:30pm - 1:30pm

Dr Mei-fen Kuo presented a lecture on her 2023 National Library Fellowship research into our Chinese-language collections and how that has helped in rethinking the influence of the Cold War on the formation of contemporary Chinese Australian identities.

Past event
Talks and ideas
Fellowship talk
A black and white photograph of a woman in a dress twirling around with her eyes closed.

Margaret Michaelis, Bodenwieser Ballet open air performance featuring Hilary Napier, 1940,

Staging nationhood in dance photographs with Dr Wesley Lim
01 Feb - 01 Feb 2024 | 5:30pm - 6:30pm

Dr Wesley Lim presented a lecture on his 2023 National Library Fellowship research into the papers of dancer and choreographer Gertrud Bodenwieser.

Past event
Talks and ideas
Fellowship talk
2023 Bookshop Christmas Sale-Whats On image
Late night Christmas shopping
07 Dec - 07 Dec 2023 | 5:00pm - 8:30pm

Yule pick up a bargain this year at our Bookshop Christmas shopping evening!

Book lovers
NLA Bookshop
Past event
Pink Bans

Sam Wallman, Pink Bans, courtesy Sam Wallman.

Pink and Green Bans with Sam Wallman
30 Nov - 30 Nov 2023 | 4:30pm - 5:30pm

Comics-journalist and cartoonist Sam Wallman presented a lecture on his 2023 Creative Arts Fellowship research into the Pink and Green Bans movement and how it will contribute to a new artwork celebrating the 1970s coalition of blue collar union workers and LGBTIQA+ people.

Past event
Talks and ideas
Fellowship talk
Symposium background
Academy of the Social Sciences 2023 Symposium
24 Nov - 24 Nov 2023 | 9:00am - 4:00pm

The 2023 Annual Academy of Social Sciences Symposium, Digital Society: Social science perspectives for a better future, explored critical issues surrounding our current and future digital world

Past event
Talks and ideas
Kenneth Myer Lecture Professor Glyn Davis AC
2023 Kenneth Myer Lecture: Professor Glyn Davis AC
23 Nov - 23 Nov 2023 | 6:30pm - 8:30pm

In 2023, the Kenneth Myer Lecture was delivered by Professor Glyn Davis AC.

Past event
Talks and ideas
Flagship lecture

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