NLA publishing

Showing 25 - 26 of 26 results
Cover of the book 'Bold Types: How Australia's First Women Journalists Blazed a Trail'
Bold Types: How Australia's First Women Journalists Blazed a Trail

Patricia Clarke recounts the chequered journey of women journalists in the fight for gender equality from 1860 to the end of World War II. These were independent, adventurous women who ventured far and wide in search of news, relevance and equality.

NLA Publishing book
An illustration of a fire truck loaded up with presents and decorated with tinsel. Santa is standing next to the fire truck, carrying a sack. He is greeting several children and adults.

Illustration from 'Ayla's Christmas Wish'

A new Australian Christmas picture book from NLA Publishing

Ayla's Christmas Wish by Pamela Jones and Lucia Masciullo.

Media release