
Showing 1 - 12 of 17 results
Copyright information
About copyright

Copyright is a legal right that gives copyright owners the right to control certain activities with their works.

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Copyright information
Copying and re-using works with Indigenous cultural content

Copyright law applies to Indigenous works in the same way as it applies to other works, however there may be additional legal and cultural issues.

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A person wearing white gloves examining a colorful peacock embroidery with a magnifying glass, focusing on the intricate details of the artwork.
Copying, access and publishing conditions for special collections

Special collections material may have restrictions around use.

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Copyright information
Copyright for teachers

This Discovery Video unravels the often tricky world of copyright and exceptions that cover educational and research use.

Copyright information
Copyright in library collections

Legal and ethical requirements apply when copying, re-using or publishing material from the Library's collections

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Copyright information
Copyright permissions

Who you need permission from

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Copyright information
Copyright position statements

The National Library endorses these position statements on copyright, issued by National & State Libraries Australasia (NSLA).

Information article
Copyright information
Finding copyright owners

How to find copyright owners

Information article
Copyright information
How long does copyright last?

Calculating the copyright term for a given work can be complicated because copyright legislation has changed over time.

Information article
An old volume is open on a table - illustrations and text can be seen on its pages.
How to acknowledge the Library in your publication

Acknowledging the National Library of Australia as the source and citing rare and unique material accurately

Information article
Photo of old manuscript

Cook, Hutchinson, Wallis, & Bolckow, Journal of H.M.S. Endeavour, 1768,

Rights and the Manuscripts Collection

A summary of copyright and rights in the Manuscripts Collection.

Information article
Screenshot showing part of the Port of Sydney in 1919
Rights and the Maps Collection

A summary of copyright and rights in the Maps Collection.

Information article