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Showing 61 - 72 of 185 results
Rare Books Swimming - Roger Lever

Frontispiece and title page of Melchisédech Thévenot, The Art of Swimming. The second edition. London: Printed for John Lever, 1764,

Rare book highlights – Swimming in 1764
27 Feb 2023

This blog, by the Library’s Rare Books and Music Curator Dr Susannah Helman, explores this charming little book, just in time for the last days of summer. It may even be helpful the next time you take the plunge!

Martie Lowenstein - The recipient of the 2023 National Folk Fellowship
Q&A with 2023 National Folk Fellow Martie Lowenstein
24 Mar 2023

Martie Lowenstein is the recipient of the 2023 National Folk Fellowship. We spoke to Martie to learn more about her Fellowship and research topic, ‘What Wendy found – the story of 1969 outback Australian Folklore expedition.’

Fellowships 2023 Yahia Ma
Q&A with 2023 Asian Study Grant recipient Yahia Zhengtang Ma
05 Jun 2023

During his time at the Library, Yahia’s research examined the Chinese ‘homosexual’ men’s lived experience as represented in the Australian-Chinese language newspapers, magazines, and digital media.

NLA scholarships Madeleine Pugin

2023. Madeleine Pugin, National Library of Australia 2022 Scholarship recipient, standing behind the Boab100 work by artists from Waringarri Aboriginal Arts.

Q&A with 2022 National Library of Australia Scholar Madeleine Pugin 
04 May 2023

Madeleine Pugin was a recipient of one of the National Library of Australia Scholarships in 2022. Her Nangaypa Rirraliny Scholarship was funded by Emeritus Professor Janice Reid AC. 

Whats On Kate Warren Fellowship presentation_0.jpg

Watch Dr Kate Warren's Fellowship presentation titled 'Cut-out-and-keep: magazines and the popularisation of Australian art in the 1950s and 1960s'.

Q&A with 2022 National Library of Australia Fellow Dr Kate Warren
16 Mar 2023

The National Library has a range of Fellowships and Scholarships available to researchers, writers, artists, and younger scholars.

Dr Kate Warren, a Senior Lecturer in Art History and Curatorship at the Australian National University, was a 2022 recipient of a National Library of Australia Fellowship.


Annise Beta - Asia Study Grant Recipient
Q&A with 2022 Asia Study Grant recipient Annisa Beta
17 May 2023

Dr Annisa Beta is a recipient of the 2022 Asia Study Grant. We spoke to Annisa on her time at the Library and research topic, ‘A genealogy of modern Indonesian girls’. 

Bill Mihalopoulos
Q&A with 2021 National Library Fellow Dr Bill Mihalopoulos
11 Apr 2023

We spoke to Dr Bill Mihalopoulos, a Lecturer in Asian Pacific Studies at the University of Central Lancashire and a 2021 recipient of the National Library of Australia Fellowship for Japan Studies, about his time at the Library.

Man and woman in fancy dress in front of a train station at night, with text reading 'in town tonight ... by train'
Public domain 2024
02 Jan 2024

See some of the creative works from our collections have come out of copyright and into the public domain this year.

Billy Hughes standing next to a car
Public domain 2023
03 Jan 2023

Every year, on 1 January, creative works come out of copyright and into the public domain.

Black and white photo of 21 women of various ages smiling, standing in front of a plane. Below the image is a list of these women's names and where they're from

[Black-and-white group photograph from the first Annual General Meeting of the Australian Women Pilots Association with list of attendees], 1951, nla.obj-3116965008

Pioneering Australian women pilots
19 Mar 2024

Dive into the records of the Australian Women Pilots’ Association and some of the stories they tell about early Australian female pilots.

An old photograph of people in sensible clothing going for a walk in the bush.
Photographs of the anti-fashion Rational Dress Movement
01 Mar 2024

The Library has recently acquired 3 photographs from a Rational Dress Movement picnic in 1895.

Two woman in green and gold clothing embracing excitedly in front of a crowd.

Leigh Henningham, Matildas fans reacting to an Australian goal at a public screening of the Australia vs Canada 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup match at Federation Square, Melbourne, Victoria, 31 July, nla.obj-3254738517

Photographs of the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup
01 Aug 2024

The Library commissioned photographers to capture the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup.


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