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Showing 13 - 24 of 81 results
Special collections reading room Sam Wallman 2023 creative arts fellow
The Pink Bans: Labour union activism and LGBTIQA+ rights
13 Jun 2024

Have you heard about the Pink Bans of the 1970s? Learn about this little-recorded aspect of Australian history with comics-journalist, cartoonist and 2023 Friends Creative Arts Fellow Sam Wallman.

Woman wearing a dot print shirt, glasses and a black head scarf holding some booklets in an aisle of shelves

2024 Asia Study Grant recipient Dr Anita Dewi

Libraries in Indonesia: Definitions, regulation and evolution
05 Jun 2024

Learn about the research of 2024 Asia Study Grant recipient Dr Anita Dewi.

A person standing in front of a bookshelf, holding a magnifying glass up to the shelf. They are also holding an ipad with a website showing on it.
Arresting scenery: Capturing time and place in crime fiction writing
23 May 2024

From cozy mysteries to courtroom dramas, heists to whodunits, Australia’s literary history has been filled with snoops and sleuths seeking out any number of secrets.

Artistic image of a blonde woman with light eyes smiling slightly in front of a pink and orange background

Image of a model on the cover of Vogue Australia magazine

A brief look into the history of Australian fashion
17 May 2024

Strut down the catwalk of Australian fashion history with the Library’s collection.

Three colourful advertisements, including a board game, photoshopped on a black and white background

James, Billy & Swallow & Ariell Ltd., Cut yourself a piece of cake and make yourself at home, 1923, nla.obj-178550052. MacRobertson (Firm) issuing body & Specialty Press, MacRobertson's Max-Mints alphabet book (Melbourne, Vic), 1927, nla.obj-278715145. Sanitarium Health Food Company, Wheat-convoy, c.1940, nla.obj-498265913.

Wacky, weird and wonderful marketing
14 May 2024

Dive into the world of wacky advertising from decades past.

Rows of very tall, large bookshelves (stacks) in a warehouse

The National Library of Australia’s Hume storage repository.

The history of legal deposit: Sixteenth century France to the Library today
24 Apr 2024

Learn about the evolution of legal deposit and how it works in Australia today.

Two costume designs, one for a man the other for a woman, with annotations. The man's costume features a blue and green shirt with puffy sleeves, a brown vest, boots, a blue hat and an optional blue cloak. The woman's costume is an orange gown with a small headpiece.

Costume and set sketches - Twelfth Night, 1968, from the papers of Kristian Fredrikson,

Kristian Fredrikson costume designs for the plays of William Shakespeare
18 Apr 2024

Explore the crossover of two masters of their crafts with these beautiful sketches and designs.

Sepia toned photo of soldiers sitting in a trench writing letters

J.P. Campbell, Writing in the trenches, [Anzac soldiers sit in their shelters in the trench and write letters home, June? 1915], nla.obj-146168464

Letters to home from the First and Second World Wars
16 Apr 2024

Take a look at some of the letters sent from overseas to friends and family back in Australia during the First and Second World Wars.

Four ballet dancers posing with their arms out and leaning in various directions

Bodenwieser Ballet performance of Blue Danube Waltz, with Moira Claux, Elaine Vallance, Nina Bascolo and Biruta Apens, 1953, nla.obj-234841849

Capturing movement: Dance photography and Gertrud Bodenwieser
11 Apr 2024

Explore the dance style of Gertrud Bodenwieser through photographs with 2023 National Library Fellow Wesley Lim.

Rare Dictionaries

Jacques Lacombe (1724–1811), Dizionario Portatile Delle Belle Arti (Portable Dictionary of the Fine Arts), Venice: Bassano, 1768, Onions Collection, 

Rare dictionaries at the Library
29 Mar 2024

Today, we can find the meaning of a word online. In the past, we only had physical dictionaries. (I had a 1980 reprint of The Australian Pocket Oxford Dictionary (1976), covered in royal blue contact paper.)

Text reading 'Greetings from Barcaldine' with illustrations from around the town

Barcaldine, Qld, c. 1900,

Australian postcards from the early twentieth century
27 Mar 2024

Take a look at some of the postcards we hold from the first half of the twentieth century and the messages they were sent with.

Man with brown hair and a grey and brown beard sitting at a table with a large map spread over it
Historical trauma, hidden Christianity and world heritage
25 Mar 2024

Hear from NLA Fellow Dr Gwyn McClelland about his research and time at the Library.


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