Film, Television and Media

Learn how to find and access the Library's vast and diverse collection around film, television and media history and understand how you can use our collections in your own media projects.

Alright welcome everyone and thank you for joining me today for today's webinar

on Film, Television and Media. So my name is Ruby and I'm a reference librarian

here at the National Library. So this webinar is being broadcast on

Ngunnawal and Nambari country. So i'd like to begin by acknowledging and

celebrating the first Australians on whose traditional lands we meet and pay

my respect to elders past present and emerging. This presentation has been

developed by our 2019 Indigenous Graduate, Nicole who joins me today and

will be presenting part of today's webinar. So hopefully you've joined us

today to learn about some film, television and media themed items held

in the National Library's collection, and I'll be talking through the way in which

you can go about accessing these items. So we've aimed this webinar at people

who work in the film, television and media industry and how you can use our

collection in your work, and also for those who are more broadly interested in

how our collection reflects the changing media landscape in Australia,

over the past century.

So in today's webinar we'll be taking a broad exploration of the Library's collection.

Pulling out some interesting and relevant examples and explaining

how our services can support your work.

We'll have a question break in the middle of the webinar, to answer any questions

that have been asked and also one at the end.

So looking at us, The National Library, we're located here in Canberra next to

Lake Burley Griffin. We are a non-lending library or reference library.

So this means our library users are unable to take our collection material out of the building.

The library's role, as defined by the National Library Act 1960,

is to ensure that the documentary resources of national significance,

relating to Australia and the Australian people, as well as significant non Australian

library materials, are collected preserved and made accessible.

Currently we refer to that through our strategic priorities

of: Collect, Connect and Collaborate.

So looking at our collection, we've collected almost 260 kilometers of material.

Approximately 10 million collection items and every year we add

to that with roughly 2 kilometers more, and so here we can see an image at our

off-site storage.Which I feel gets across that sort of idea of kilometers of material.

Our digital collection is also constantly expanding and currently

contains five petabytes of digital storage.

A petabyte being one thousand, million, million bytes.

We facilitate access to our collection through the library building

here in Canberra and through our online services.

A fun little inclusion I've added is Isaac, who helps deliver our collection material to our

readers here in the building. Um, so each robot is called Isaac, it's a collective

term, and it's a really, Isaac's one of the popular attractions in our behind

the scenes tours and has been featured in several news articles,

including by the ABC News.

So this guy helps deliver those kilometers of material to our reading rooms.

The major part of our collection is thanks to legal deposit.

So legal deposit is a requirement under the Copyright Act of 1968, that has enabled

the National Library of Australia to collect Australian publications

for more than a hundred years.

So legal deposit "applies to any Australian person, group

or organization that makes this material available to the public for sale or for free".

So what this means is that anything that has been published in Australia

should be in our collection. So since 2016 we also have the edeposit service

where we collect electronic books, journals, magazines, newsletters, maps

sheet music and websites, to preserve them for the community and future generations.

And this has expanded our collection a lot more into material that

we call "born digital". So thanks to legal deposit the National Library has a

comprehensive collection of Australian material from the last hundred years.

In addition to our general printed collection we have a range of format

based and themed collections in our library, here we can see a nice little overview.

So each area has specialists library staff who work

closely with collection material and manage access. The majority of these

collections are primary source material. A primary source being an authoritative

first-hand glimpse into the past...

One collection we don't have in the library

is a film collection, which is unfortunate but the National Film and

Sound Archive is a separate institution which houses Australia's audio-visual

archive and is responsible for developing preserving maintaining and

providing access to a national collection of copies of film, television,

sound and radio visual, audio-visual materials and related items.

So the film and sound archives collection was actually part of the National Library

here until 1984 when it became an independent cultural organization.

And so they took their film collection quite rightly with them and that's why we

don't have any specific film materials here.

We do however have a very strong media collection

that explores the film industry through other formats which I'll cover today.

So what do we have in our collection? A large range and variety

of materials that you can use in your film and media work and unique

collections that reflect the media industry in Australia.

To start exploring some of these collections

I'm now going to hand over to my co-presenter, Nicole

who will introduce you to our maps collection.

NICOLE: Thanks Ruby and hello to

everyone listening in to today's webinar. As Ruby mentioned I'm Nicole

I'm one of the library's graduates for 2019 and before I begin I too would like to

acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we are broadcasting from

the Ngunnawal and Nambari people.

And I pay respect to elder's past, present and emerging.

So I did get a lot of enjoyment from researching today's

topic of Film, television and media. It's a subject I'm quite interested in and

it's also what I majored in at University.

So having this theme to focus on

allowed me the opportunity to search through many of the different collection areas.

And something I discovered in the early stages of exploring the vast

collection, is the notion of scope creep. So you may have all come across this

even when you set out with a clear idea of what you want to research the ability

to stay on topic is nearly impossible when you start to dig down and discover

items of interest...

So on that note you may notice that even though I'm focusing

specifically on cartographic material held in our maps collection, the way in

which you're able to use the information found on the maps is quite varied.

Also before I show you a few examples-

if you would like to know more about how to best navigate

your way through our Maps collection I can highly recommend one of

our recent webinars that was presented by Susie. She is one of our reference

librarians here and she offers some great advice on how to best locate

specific maps and also how to go about ordering digitized copies, of digitized maps.

So this recording is available to re-watch either via our YouTube channel

or directly from the National Library website, which is

So we'll admit as a staff member of the library I am in a convenient position to

gather information, but you should all know that if you ever do come to a dead end

especially when you first start researching, we as librarians can offer

assistance and guidance. Assistance from staff is not only limited to patrons who

frequent our reading rooms here in the building. We can also offer advice to

those of you who are browsing our website and exploring the digital collection.

So this is through our Ask-a-Librarian service.

So as we perform searches throughout this presentation

we will point out to you where the ask-a-librarian

service points are located.

so through the next section of the webinar

I would like to show you some of my favorite items which are held here at the library.

They relate to today's theme and they're held within our maps collection.

So firstly we have the Australian movie map it was

published in 1996 and when folded it appears as a brochure with tourism

information, but it folds out to a map of Australia. So this is a great example of

material the library aims to collect but it may not be the first thing you would

consider searching for in our catalogue.

The map pinpoints locations of motion

pictures filmed here in Australia, ranging from 1906 to 1996.

And you might be able to see

the locations are numbered clockwise starting from the top, in Darwin.

So they've included 20 film locations and around 70 other

attractions and landmarks relating to individual Australian films, the film

industry and movie locations.

So overall it serves as a film tapestry

location guide and travel companion.

This particular map is not yet digitized,

So I've just included a few photographs for the session today...

The second item I have chosen to show you all is a map of the

land of Narnia and surrounding countries. This is a color printed poster of

Pauline Baines original 1971 artwork and these particular posters were published

by Penguins, by Penguins books in 1972. To promote the paperback series

of C.S Lewis "Chronicles of Narnia".

Part of the map had already been sketched by Louis

in his manuscript of "Prince Caspian" in 1951.

Baine's idea was to have the map

themed medieval rather than a survey of mountains and castles.

So she included the wind blowing at the corners

and a few Heraldic ships, whales and dolphins in the sea...

The third item I would like to share with you is "Star Trek Star Charts: the

complete atlas of Star Trek". It is a paperback Atlas published in

2002 by Jeffrey Mandel. This is a full-color book that helps to put the

whole Star Trek universe into perspective. It serves well as a visual

aid to make sense of where galaxies are located to one another and highlights

where the Federation is in relation to all other places in the galaxy.

It's a very detailed, detailed cartographic guide, which includes: the Milky Way maps,

showing the quadrants galactic arms followed by a tally of chartered worlds

and civilizations, then a political overview map

of this quadrant and that's just to name a few.

So the next item I've chosen to show you all is um...this is called

"TV maps", so it is a map which is loosely based

on the style of a 1960s Washington street map,

which is home to America's first TV station.

And the way, and the aim, and it's aim

is to pay homage to TV gold, with, um, it has fictional districts

dedicated to for example, the Simpsons,

South Park, Sesame Street, kids TV and Sci-Fi.

It also features landmarks named after some of TV's biggest stars, such as

Oprah Winfrey, Ricki Lake, Nick Park, Harry Hill and Benny Hill.

So I could sit here and talk about all of my favorite items.

I could sit here all day talking about them but I would like to show you

in the next section, how you might go about

actually using the catalogue search function to discover items just like these...

Okay so now that we're on the National Library homepage

to search in our collection, I'll just click through

to the catalogue....

and the first search we'll look for

is the Star Trek Atlas...

So to find it in the catalogue

you only need to type in two words...

So just "Star" and "trek",

and to narrow the number of search results, search results

we can just select subject here and we

can limit the search to only show results for maps

if we select "map" here, and then press the "find" button..

So here you can see this is a very successful search

there's only one item listed and it's exactly what we're looking for

but as most of you have probably all

experienced searching for items is not always as easy as this.

So if you just start a new search,

we'll click on "catalogue"...

So we'll try to search for something a bit more broadly.

So if we just type in the word "broadcast".

We'll limit the search so we're only finding maps in the results,

and then click the "find" button.

So you can see here there are a few more results that have come up

and as I scroll through you can see..

some of the items... have the... image thumbnail.

So we might have a look at this one.

So in the catalogue entry here there is quite a bit of detail.

We can see, we have the scale at which the map is set and in the

description and notes there's a lot more information here as well.

Because it is a digitized um, it has been digitized

We can have a closer look at the item by clicking on the thumbnail.

Here... and the digitized image opens up in the Trove viewer.

So it's quite a high definition scan and you can zoom in on any area of

the map just by clicking on the area you want to see closer.

And we can just recenter a

map by dragging it with the mouse to the middle...

So we can see here the title of the map and the key

to zoom back out you can use the

magnifying glass with the minus symbol here.

And then just to recenter the map...

So just have a quick look here,

where we are, well there we are...

So here you can see, um

the different kinds of wireless radio waves that were available in Australia,

from the 1930s...

So on that note I'm going to hand back over to Ruby and I will

just thank you all for listening in today...

RUBY: excellent thank you so much Nicole

and I should extend my thanks to Nicole

as well for developing today's session.

I'm going to go back to the PowerPoint now

and we'll continue with the rest of the content.

So moving onto a new area now,

we have our newspapers and family history team here at the library,

and they manage our newspapers collection and answer family history questions

sent to us from around the world. Family history is only becoming more and more

popular as online access to genealogy records becomes easier.

It forms a large part of our learning program here at the library

and we have extensive online resources,

such as research guides and databases to support family history researchers...

and newspapers and family history zone has been featured in

episodes of the television show "Who do you think you are?",

especially featuring our newspaper collections for family history research.

So we've combined newspapers and family history, as newspapers can be a key

resource for family historians.

But today I want to look more closely at our

newspaper collection for another reason.

As newspapers are a valuable media resource

both for contemporary and historical news.

You might be searching for a specific article

or curious about how important events were reported on in the news.

We collect all Australian newspapers, ranging from Capital city,

Capital city dailies, major regional newspapers, a range of country town

newspapers, newspapers published by ethnic groups and political organizations

as well as newspapers representing special interests.

We also have the largest collection of overseas newspapers in Australia.

Our newspaper collections from the Asia and Pacific region are particularly strong...

So we collect and store the printed editions but we also microfilm

a number of state and regional newspapers,

as they are much easier to store and access

and it preserves the original printed paper...

some of you may be familiar with microfilm?

it has been around for decades,

but we are still creating it and using it today. Like a photograph film reel the

newspaper is captured on 35 millimeter acetate film. We can capture thousands of

pages of newspapers on a single reel. We do supply our microfilm reels on

interlibrary loan, so speak to your local library

if you require access to this material and cannot visit us in Canberra...

However I want to look past the microfilm and look at what you can

access online. Most of you will be aware that newspapers these days have online

websites, where you can access newspaper articles.

Some of these are free to access,

however some do require paid subscriptions, often, however it can be

difficult finding archival newspaper articles on these news websites.

So if you're wanting to research published newspaper articles,

we have quite a number of options freely available here at the library.

So most of you were very familiar with Trove.

For those who don't know it's a site that

collects library and institution collections from around Australia.

Providing a central site to search and it's most popular content zone is it's

digitized newspapers. Where you can search Australian newspapers from 1803 to 1954.

The 1954 date is due to Copyright, as newspapers published post

1955 are within Copyright and have not been made available.

There are a few newspapers available post 1955

in Trove such as the Canberra Times, where we've

been given specific copyright permission to upload

but there is only a few exceptions to this.

Trove is very easy to search and a great research tool for

discovering and accessing historical newspaper articles, as well as other materials.

Once you find a relevant article you can download it and use it as you wish.

You can find film reviews, cinema advertisements and other articles,

exploring film and media topics...

I did a search for the story of the Kelly Gang most of you knowing that's

one of the first, Australia's first feature film, we get over a thousand results.

And you can see just from the top few results, published in the early

1900s when the film was released

and includes regional papers as well as major city dailies...

So I know a lot of you are familiar with Trove but if you

do want some more help into researching Trove.

We have quite a number of webinar recordings

that go into a lot of detail, particularly 'Discover Trove' which is an

introductory session, and Trove for family history which explores mainly that

newspapers zone... So Trove is the best place to go to access Australian

newspapers pre 1955 but if you're after more contemporary archives you'll need

to visit our a resources portal and so our eResources contain a variety of

electronic resources, such as full-text journals, newspapers ebooks and dictionaries

a number of our databases including the ones I featured today can

be accessed from home or work using a National Library Card...

So the key databases I'll be highlighting today are our newspaper databases

but we also have a huge range other database collections

they may contain relevant information for your media research.

So a number of you are familiar with our eResources

and you may notice that we've recently enhanced our eResources portal

and now have a search box where you can full-text search the majority of our databases.

You can type in keywords, subjects or other information, and find

journal articles or other relevant information that you can access

This search unfortunately doesn't pick up some of the articles from our bigger

newspaper databases but you can individually into these databases and search and

access them from there...

So if you haven't used this new eResources portal I highly

recommend it. It's very user friendly and we have a lot of help advice as well

if you need it on the page...

So the three databases I wanted to highlight today are Factiva, The Sydney

Morning Herald archives and PressReader and all of these are available off-site,

with a library card, free of charge.

Factiva is a major newspaper database

that you've may have used before and has holdings from the late 1980s to today.

You can search articles from a huge number of Australian newspapers using

full-text searching as well as overseas newspapers...

We also have our Sydney Morning Herald archives

and this is one of the very few databases that offers

access to newspapers between the post- Trove, past 1955, and pre-internet 1995,

in this instance, period. As most newspapers from this time are still only

available on microfilm but if you are after an article in The Herald or of the

Sydney area, you are in luck because this is a really user friendly database

that's easy to navigate...

and last we have PressReader which isn't so much an

archive, as it only holds the last three months of publications.

This database has a great selection of magazines and newspapers

from around Australia and overseas.

So I'll just quickly demonstrate how to access these

databases in our new eResources portal.

So if I click back through to the homepage

we can see under the catalogue bar that Nicole took us to

we have a tab for our eResources...

We also can see links to Trove, if you want to get through it

through our homepage and also to "Get a Library Card" as well if you haven't yet

got that library card. But for those who do you can leave this session and start

searching our eResources straight away.

So I click on the accepting terms and

conditions and this is a new platform.

So if we wanted to search more broadly for

journal articles I could type in a keyword here but because I know which

database to go to I'm going to click on our databases A to Z and this is how

I can find the databases like Factiva. Today I'll just find PressReader.

So typing, even, not even the full word, we can see it's this result here.

We get a little bit of a description about what we hold. If we click through, we then

get taken straight into the database...

and here we can see the different magazines and newspapers.

So with the other two databases,

Factiva in particular you're really only searching for the text of the newspapers.

The Sydney Morning Herald one you do see the digitized images of the newspaper liking Trove,

but I've chosen PressReader in part

because we get these full-colour pages that we can explore.

So if you're wanting to keep up-to-date with news and events

definitely recommend this one and again we can

limit by country to "Australian publications" and we can see it's a

number of magazines, as well as newspapers, as well and it has really

good international holdings so you can search for a topic that's in the news

and you can see what countries around the world

what they, how they've written those articles

and what perspective they've taken as well...

Alright back to the PowerPoint

before I go to far. So our newspapers collection is not only

resourceful for researching information and data for a film documentary or news

story but you can also get footages and images through our copies direct service.

So this is particularly for those older newspapers and I'll touch

on our copies direct service a little bit more later on.

Alright so before I go any further,

I'll see if there's been any questions asked.

It doesn't look like we have any questions

pending live answer which is great.

Please ask questions as you as I go through though if you have any and I'll

answer them at the end of today's session...

Alright, so moving on to our next collection now is our pictures collection,

and the pictures collection here at the library contains over a

million photographs and artworks documenting Australian life, Society,

personalities and events...

It includes portraits, landscapes and structures,

political cartoons and images of everyday life. We collect pictures for

their doc umentary value not for their artistic value. So while there are works

by significant artists and photographers, most are creations of ordinary people

documenting their surroundings and experiences.

The vast majority of publishing questions we receive are on our pictures collection

as there are many people who come across images in our collection that they would like

to use in their documentary film or media project.

If you do want to publish any

material from our pictures collection we have an online form on our website.

Copyright permissions may apply and I'll be covering copyright and publishing

collection material in more detail at the end of today's presentation...

So I want to highlight a few relevant and interesting pictures collections

today. To give you an understanding of the scope of the collection and how it

can be a valuable resource in your work the main collections I'll highlight have

been digitized, meaning they're free to search and view from home.

So starting with prominent Australian photographer Robert McFarlane

whose images we hold, span 1963 to 2000

and captures the Australian film and media industry during this period.

His collection also includes images of Kings Cross and

Redfern in the 1960s and unemployment and development of Australia as well...

He also features really lovely portraits of prominent Australians in the film,

in the fields of film, television, radio, theater, politics, literature, sport and art,

and here's two examples here....

We hold the Andrew Chapman campaign photograph collection

from 75 to 2004, which includes portraits of key

political figures of the time. As well as the supporters, protesters and the media

on the campaign trail. A Nice reflective photo of Bob Hawke,

and here we can see another one of his images

a behind the scenes of Paul Keating talking to James Morrison.

On The Today Show with Carrie Anne Kennerley back in 1996...

Louis Seselja is a Canberra base photographer

who spent part of his career here at the National Library.

We hold over 4,000 photographs by Louis in our collection, the vast

majority which are digitized...

He captured many key events in Canberra

from the last several decades from portraits, to these images which present

or capture a different perspective of the media presence around stories...

Moving on to Wolfgang Sievers now

this is one of Australia's most significant, influential photographers

who specialized in architectural and industrial photography.

So we hold over 13,000 photographs and 51,000 negatives of

Sievers from 1938 to 1991...

collection includes important

photographs of the early days of television, mainly focusing on the

technical setups. So we can see here a gentlemen with early television equipment

I'm sure those who are working in this industry, I'm sure it's changed significantly

and again he even has photos of televisions being constructed.

So very much a sort of behind-the-scenes look at this period of time.

In addition to individual photographers we also hold collections

from major media bodies such as Fairfax. So in this instance this is the Fairfax

archive of glass plate negatives.

About 18,000 images all up in our collection.

So these are taken, images taken by Fairfax photographers

trying to capture the perfect image

to correspond with an article for the daily newspaper.

Here we can see at underworld figure Kate Lee

and the significance of this collection

is related to its original purpose, "to document newsworthy and historical

events, people and places from the 1900s to the 1940s.

So it includes images around topics such as the construction

of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, which we can see here...

The Great Depression, politicians, sportsmen and women.

This image again was from that opening of the Sydney Harbour Bridge

and captain Francis de Groot cut the ribbon too early

As well as more rural in everyday life.

We have this lovely one of children racing down in Billy carts

as well as a sort of look at a more of domestic scene in Darlinghurst...

Another interesting historical collection is the William Henry Corkhill,

Tilba Tilba collection which is a favorite of mine and a great example of

one of the unique personal collections we hold.

So William Henry Corkhill was an accountant,

cheese maker and farm manager who decided in 1880-1890 to

become a photographer. So this unknown, previously unknown man

took over 20 years, many

photos of the Tilba Tilba area

and allows us to see life in this community as it unfolds and develops...

So it includes, so if you're looking for

reference points of a small Australian town in the 1900s exploring

these images which have been digitized, we can see how life was in a small but

thriving rural community...

Included in our pictures collection is political

cartoons which you can discover easily in our catalogue

simply by searching for the politician by name.

and all of our pictures of collections is discoverable through our website

and we are in, ever, forever digitizing more and more

material so that you can view and download images from home.

That being said there is still a large number of photographs

in the collection that have yet to be digitized.

So you can still discover these through our catalogue

however you may need to visit the library building to access the

collection or you can use our copies direct service

to request copies of specific items.

So for example one collection that is not available

digitally is the Penny Tweedie collection,

which we can see from the catalogue screenshot I've taken

has over a hundred and sixty thousand photographs

of Penny's photojournalist activities over the years...

So as I've touched on a few times now,

we have a copying service here at the library called copies direct

and this is a fast easy and inexpensive way to get copies

of material from our collections.

So you can get copies of collection materials

from all of our collections, including what I cover today, but I wanted to

highlight it now as it's particularly useful for our pictures collection.

With the collections that are not yet digitized it allows you to receive

a digital copy of that material.

If the material you are after has already been digitized,

we can provide you with a high-resolution image. As the digitized images

in our catalogue are lower resolution files.

Now though I've said, you can get copies of library material.

It is dependent on copyright. So you may be limited to how much

can be copied

or the use might be restricted to personal or research purposes

to use copies for publishing you will need the material to

be out of copyright or you have copyright permission... I will touch on

copyright at the end of today's session, but if you are unsure we actually

recommend putting through your copies direct order and our staff can advise

you if extra steps are required for copying permissions.

To place a copies direct order the easiest way is through the catalogue record.

So if I click through now,

So here we can see that item record of the Penny Tweedie archive, and we can

scroll down, so even though it's telling us as a digitized item, this isn't

unfortunately digitized images it is giving us a sort of a finding aid

description of the collection.

Under "In the library" if we were to visit the

library and access this collection physically, this is how we'd go about it

with our library card.

The third tab along is our 'Order a Copy'

and so we can see here it links to our copies direct service

and an option to 'add to cart'.

So by clicking on this this just takes us through to an online form

or you can follow the steps...

and then get that copying placed

and so the copies direct website also has more information about that...

Unlike other collection areas pictures staff also offer very detailed advice on how to

access pictures for filming. So if you're wanting to visit the collection here in

Canberra and film the physical material, we do have a webpage you can refer to

just recently we had an ABC film crew come and visit to film pictures material...

Alright moving on to our next collection area now, the manuscripts collection.

Our manuscripts collection ranges from single items to very large collections.

So collections comprise a wide variety of unpublished materials including

letters, diaries, sketches and artworks, notebooks, maps, photographs, literary

works, organization records, blogs and many other types of records, in both

paper and digital form.

So I wanted to have a quick look now at the manuscript

collections of some of Australia's leading, Australia's leading media figures.

To give you an understanding of what we might hold in this collection.

So whether you're after inspiration for your next project or researching the

life of one of these prominent Australian figures.

You can see here we've got some director and filmmaker collections...

We have a number of collections around prominent Australian actors

and this material often includes

Diaries and personal letters which provide private insights into working

processes, as well as professional and personal relationships as well...

Continue with the lists of manuscript collections,

here are some other key figures.

I'm sure most of you will recognize some of the names:..

and a few more for a real mix of different people within the media industry.

If they're a prominent Australian there's a chance that we'll

have that collection available...

We also have substantial manuscripts collections

on other key Australian figures particularly politicians but as well as

other key figures. Um with the Robert Menzies collection, one of our most

accessed and it's around 600 boxes of materials for Menzies.

To access our manuscripts collection

it is recommended to come and visit us and look through

the collection yourself as some of the collections are very sizeable and can be

difficult to determine the exact contents through the online finding aids.

If we hold a manuscript collection that is relevant to your research I would

highly recommend exploring it as these collections contain unpublished, valuable

insights into the work and personal lives of these Australians.

So we have an oral history and folklore collection

as well, here at the library and this dates back to the 1950s

and includes a rich and diverse collection of interviews and

recordings with Australians from all walks of life.

The collection consists of around 45,000 hours of recordings

and includes folklore recordings, interviews

with distinguished Australians, interviews with people who've lived

through significant social trends and conditions, as well as some recordings on

environmental sound. A lot of the prominent Australians who are featured

in that little list in their manuscripts collection also have interviews as well.

In this oral history collection, so if you're looking at telling the story of

an individual you could very well find published and unpublished material in

our collection, associated photographs as well as interviews of that individual.

One of the main collections in oral history is the Hazel de Burgh collection.

With 1290 recordings of interviews and readings of prominent Australian poets,

artists, writers, composers, actors and more. Again like our other collection I

areas we have digitized a number of oral history and folklore recordings.

So if I click through, to our website again,

and again w e're taken to the catalogue

and we can see this is the page for the Hazel de Burgh collection which I could

find very easily just by searching 'Hazel de Burgh'.

We get a nice description and summary

and this is what we call a parent level or collection level record

So within this we can see under "related records', we can actually go into the

collection a little bit further. So if I click on this link here, we can see all

the items and materials that are sit within this collection.

we can see quite a number coming up

but I just want to draw our attention to this search bar,

on this "narrow search' option on this right-hand side we can see we have quite

a number of options to refine our search by such as decade, Geographic, subject

area, but what I want to do, is we can quite quickly limit all online.

So if from home, straightaway we're getting just results

that we can access from home

and we have a thumbnail that indicates we can listen online. So just

clicking on that thumbnail will take us straight through, accept the 'terms and

conditions' and we can see we can play the recording as well as a really

excellent transcript as well. With keywords, so you can often search as well

if you're just wanting to find a reference within an interview, you can

search the transcript to see where that reference might have taken place in the interview...

And it's looking a little bit closely at the oral history collection.

I've just put up on the slide some of the other collections that we have of

particular significance here, such as the folk music by John Meredith. We have the

'bringing them home' oral history project, 'Forgotten Australians and former child

migrants project'. So this is speaking to interviewing, um sort of general Australians

on their experiences and perspectives. So there's Australian Paralympic stories as well...

And coming up to the end of our collections we have our ephemera collection.

Which is a collection of minor publications and pamphlets as well

as leaflets, handbills, invitations, cards, menus and junk mail.

Essentially it's a lot of material that wasn't intended to be preserved but we

have preserved it. So our ephemera collection can receive a lot of

media coverage, as we do probably call-outs around elections and other

key events such as the same sex marriage survey. So here you can see some of the

same sex marriage survey material that we collected, as well as a news article

written by ABC News about that...

Alright so now, what everyone's been waiting for...

the fun, the copyright.

So as I've touched on through looking at some

of our collection highlights, use of the National library's collection will be

dependent on copyright. So accessing or researching material

often doesn't require any permissions. All that access is controlled by us here.

However if you want to publish material, this is when you need to determine if

the material is in copyright. Now there is a lot of information around copyright

in Australia and I only have a general knowledge of copyright, I'll admit.

So it's always worth visiting the copyright pages on our web site or

visiting the Australian copyright Council's website which has great Fact

sheets around the different aspects of copyright.

Looking at copyright duration,

under current law for literary dramatic and musical works, that were published

during the lifetime of the author, copyright lasts for seventy years from

the end of the year in which the author has died.

For published sound recordings

and film, the duration of copyright is seventy years from the end of the year

in which the recording film was published.

Under previous copyright laws, material that was created or published before

1955 or if the author died prior to 1955, that material is out of copyright and

this is where this includes that newspaper material available on Trove.

So conveniently the National Library catalogue and Trove, both provide an

approximate calculation of the copyright status of a particular work

in the catalogue record.

So we can see here, a screenshot from the item record and it

actually tells us the copyright status, whether it's in or out of copyright and

then the reason why.

Once copyright expires, there are no longer any

copyright related restrictions on its copying or reuse, and this is sometimes

referred to being in the public domain. We have a large amount of collection

material that we have digitized and made freely available to download that is out of copyright.

And so this means you're free to publish the material in your next work.

That being said if you are wanting to publish any of our unique

collection material, we request that you inform us through our 'intention

to publish' form. So this will allow us to inform you of your responsibilities in

relation to copyright, conditions of use Moral rights, performance rights and

correct forms of acknowledgement.

We also have a web page as well on how to

correctly cite our collection material as well, even if it is now copyright.

As reference librarians we receive a lot of questions around clarification on

copyright for materials in our collection. So if you're not sure,

please send us a message...

So now we're coming to the end of today's webinar and as we've looked at a

huge range of material in our collection I just want to quickly go over again

collection discovery and access.

So we saw the catalogue is the best place to

search our collection and that can just be accessed through our home page.

Our collection is also discoverable through Trove as well, as that is a collection of

different library collections from around Australia. So you can discover our

collection as well through Trove.

And as well we have our eResources for our

online journals and databases...

So to access our on-site collection and

electronic resources, you will need a library card. So those that don't yet

have a library card, you can register it very quickly online through that

homepage link and have it posted out to you for free.

Those materials that are not yet digitized

or you're wanting to view the original material,

this is where you come and visit us in Canberra

and access our collection materials in our reading rooms.

So a reminder that today's session and any of our previous webinars

are recorded and uploaded to the National library's YouTube channel. So if you want

to watch this one again or watch any of the ones we've touched on and more

please visit the channel you can subscribe to if you'd like and you can

be alerted to any new videos that are added.

You can also keep in touch with us

through our social media platforms where you can hear of events, new resources and

highlights of our collection through one of these platforms.

Alright so that's been today's presentation I'm now just going to see

if there's being any questions.

If you do have any questions please send them through...

Alright it doesn't look like we have any questions pending at the moment.

Hopefully that means you've all, I've answered all your questions or I've also

known as Heather's been typing a few responses as well which is wonderful.

Ah, here we go Bob asked "If we have any radio holdings?" So unfortunately we don't

have any radio recordings in our collection, that is held at the National

Film and Sound Archives. They have really useful guides on their website about

radio recordings. We have some more of the related material around broadcasting

and things like that. Alright, great well thank you so much for attending today.

We'll wrap up today's session. Um so if you have any further questions you can

use that Ask-a-Librarian service to contact us and we have some upcoming

sessions as well. So especially if you want to explore our new eResources platform.

We have a new webinar coming up in just a few weeks. We also have one looking

more closely at ephemera. As well as subjects around dangerous and persuasive

females coming up at the end of October, which looks at our our collection

surrounding women, important and influential women through history.

So I'd recommend watching those.

S o we'll stay around for a few minutes longer, so if

you have any last-minute questions we can answer them by text but a reminder

that the recording and links from today's session will be emailed out to

you all tomorrow. So thank you for joining us and I hope you have a

wonderful rest of the afternoon.

Page published: 12 Sep 2019

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