Family history and genealogy

Showing 13 - 14 of 14 results
A black-and-white photograph showing a large wedding party posed on the steps of a wooden house. The group includes men, women, and children dressed in formal Victorian attire. The women are in elaborate dresses, some holding small bouquets. The men wear suits, some with top hats, and a small boy peeks around a door frame to the left.

Album of photographs of Bushy Park, Tasmania, and Dandenong, Victoria, 1875,

Birth, death and marriage records

Find out how to access and use these records to link generations and branches of your family.

Research guide
Husband and wife sitting at a table with a large cake and vases of flowers in front of them

John Joseph and Harriett Willson Denison celebrating their golden wedding anniversary, November 1939, nla.obj-151150861

Beginner’s guide to family history research

See how to get started with your family history research and how the Library can help along the way.


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