
Showing 1 - 3 of 3 results
Three colourful advertisements, including a board game, photoshopped on a black and white background

James, Billy & Swallow & Ariell Ltd., Cut yourself a piece of cake and make yourself at home, 1923, nla.obj-178550052. MacRobertson (Firm) issuing body & Specialty Press, MacRobertson's Max-Mints alphabet book (Melbourne, Vic), 1927, nla.obj-278715145. Sanitarium Health Food Company, Wheat-convoy, c.1940, nla.obj-498265913.

Wacky, weird and wonderful marketing

Dive into the world of wacky advertising from decades past.

Man and woman in fancy dress in front of a train station at night, with text reading 'in town tonight ... by train'
Public domain 2024

See some of the creative works from our collections have come out of copyright and into the public domain this year.

News article
Billy Hughes standing next to a car
Public domain 2023

Every year, on 1 January, creative works come out of copyright and into the public domain.

News article

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