
Showing 13 - 15 of 15 results
Collection guide
Angas Collection

Paintings, drawings, sketchbooks and manuscripts by George French Angas

Collection guide
Map of East India Islands, Dutch colonies, with Thailand, French colonies, Indochina and Malay Peninsula.

Henry Otley Bayer, Malay Archipelag 1:8,500,000, 1942,

Beyer Collection

Papers, including manuscripts on Philippine ethnography, books and pamphlets in various languages on a wide range of subjects with a focus on the Philippines, photographs and printed and manuscript maps collected by Henry Otley Beyer.

Collection guide
Black and white photo of a television studio from the 1960s, with large cameras, screens and spotlights

Wolfgang Sievers & Hassel (Firm), Television set at Ballarat television station, by architects Hassell & McConnell, Victoria, 1962,

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